Our Impact on Rural Lives

DuVert Paris is proud to play a role in supporting sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. It gives us immense satisfaction and helps us align to our goal of making world a better place to live by helping the poor and disadvantaged gain economic independence. DuVert Paris’s sustainable dinnerware products are not only replacing single use plastics but also supporting sustainable livelihood. Our belief that all of us have abilities and have assets that can be developed to help improve our lives led to the direction of sustainable dinnerware which in-turn are manufactured in rural areas that has abundant yet untapped natural resources. We turned our attention to the most neglected part – the waste of natural resources. Who would have thought the natural waste material can also be transformed into something that can not only provide employment but also help save the planet. The entire process of collection of raw materials to production to shipping employs rural women and youth who not only get economic independence but are able to do so without the need of relocation to other developed cities or towns.

DuVert Paris’s sustainable dinnerware products are the need of the hour because plastics are ruining our planet. With more than eighteen trillion pounds of plastic produced until now, it is evident that this plastic will be present on our planet forever in one form or the other. In such a situation, adapting and encouraging sustainable dinnerware is quite essentially one of the most responsible things  to do. Dinnerware is something that is used regularly, and if such a regular moving item is replaced by sustainable materials, it could be a significant touchpoint for the betterment of our planet.

Today, unemployment and poverty are few of the main causes of food insecurity and conflict. Poverty also represents a barrier for the achievement of sustainable economic and social development. Rural people participate in diverse and multiple activities to improve their livelihoods by maximising activities that can potentially generate more income and mostly it is observed that many of such activities are risky with low possibilities of respectable returns. In rural households the resources are so minimal that the importance of health, proper nutrition and basic education is also minimized. DuVert Paris is aiming to support sustainable livelihood of more than 100,000 rural youth & women. This is an achievable goal provided we can scale our business to a volume that will provide further opportunities of employment. We can help create 5000+ micro enterprises which will enhance the livelihoods of people associated at the grass roots of our manufacturing process. Our approach is always socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. At present we are supporting employment of 5000+ rural youths and women through 100s of Micro enterprises by simply value adding to the natural waste and it has enormous potential in the region to undergo a massive growth.

Our team based in rural areas have a great know how of nature and its products and this knowledge comes handy when they are engaged with natural dinnerware product manufacturing process. In parallel, the ability to work without relocating to cities or towns gives people in the rural areas a chance to continue their work on their farms, plantations and other related areas.

Sustainable livelihoods also encompasses making the rural lives sustain any sort of natural or man-made emergencies and then have the ability to bounce back. We are supporting development of local institutional capacities to prepare for and mitigate these risks and vulnerabilities that would lead to greater resilience of affected populations and enhanced sustainability of the development process. This is also important for our business to be sustainable and hence is a win-win for both.

We understand that working with rural communities has also made us more sensitive to the diverse aspects of livelihoods of rural people so we have made our process more participatory where rural stakeholders specify and develop their own livelihood strategies.

We also introduce and help in developing new skills in rural people which is an excellent way of training them in the long run. They are trained in a way that introduces them to the concept of entrepreneurship. At the same time, women empowerment is a cornerstone of the work we perform, and it is crucial for the development of rural communities. In most cases, rural women have fewer rights to the land on which they labour, fewer educational possibilities, and less access to funding and inputs necessary to run a successful farm. We help rural women obtain access to the tools they need to enhance their lives and assets while also establishing their own income-generating activities for the first time.

Growth of DuVert Paris has a direct impact on the employment and economic well being of rural youth and women as we are committed to inclusive growth. The more we grow the opportunities we will create for rural masses and massive growth of micro-enterprises which will enable long term positive restructuring of the rural livelihoods while protecting our planet at the same time.

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  • נערת ליווי Reply

    Itís difficult to find knowledgeable people in this particular subject, however, you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks

    July 29, 2022 at 12:10 am

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